Lisa Stornaielo

Expert Contributor

Lisa Stornaielo is a seasoned talent management strategist and career coach with 25+ years of experience across diverse industries: Financial Services, Healthcare & Insurance, Technology, and Specialty Retail. As a career coach, Lisa helps people at all stages of their careers but is most passionate about helping those transitioning out of the workforce and into retirement. Lisa believes anyone can live up to their full potential with the right mindset and tools no matter what stage they are in on their life’s journey.

As co-founder of The Future of You, Lisa tapped into her experience in leadership development, transition planning, and career coaching to create an effective formula to help people discover their best lives in retirement​. The Future of You provides people with a 6-week, 4-step process that will take them from wondering what to do with their newfound free time to waking up with purpose, excitement, and a renewed vision for their next chapter.

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